MunchPay Node API - Develop, Version & Deploy

MunchPay Node API - Develop, Version & Deploy

Practical understanding of Semantic Versioning in Node API


3 min read

  • A quick revision of the Semantic Version. It consists of 3 sections.

MAJOR: It represents the major version of the app. Any incompatible change, API modification, or such changes are handled under this number.

MINOR: When you add new functionality in a backward compatible manner is introduced in the product. Any improvement (like performance, optimization, etc) can be covered under this.

PATCH: As the name suggests it is reserved for bug fixes internal to the system/product. Note that these bug fixes should be backward compatible.

  • Let's make a basic payment API called as MunchPay. This API will have just 2 routes: 1) Get payment methods 2) Make payment

  • To get started we need to have a Node App which can serve as an API server. For sake of this blog, I've used Express JS. These are the checkpoints that should be ready to move ahead.

    • Create a Node project

    • Install the following npm packages: express, nodemon

    • Write boilerplate for express server

    • Create 1 GET route: getPaymentMethods

    • Create 1 POST route: makePayment

    • Update the scripts in package.json to spin up the server

  • You can clone this repo MunchPay API Get Started to align until this step.

  • To deploy MunchPay API, we'll use Vercel. I have mentioned a detailed guide on how to deploy the Express JS app on Vercel in this Deploy Node JS on Vercel

  • To shorten the length of this article we're not covering each step here.

  • Once API will be deployed you can see something like this. (If you don't want to deploy, running it on local server will also work)

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  • Let's make this API public and release the first stable version.

  • NOTE: To declare a public API we need to maintain proper documentation of what is changed in each release.

  • Create a file at the root of the project. This will serve as documentation of our MunchPay API. (Actual APIs use other tools like Swagger/OpenAPI etc for maintaining documentation)

  • Node projects give us a nice option to manage versions of our project.

  • Go to the root of the project in a terminal. And execute this command :

yarn version
  • This will show you the current version and prompt for a new version. Enter the new version as 1.0.0. As we're releasing for the first time, this will be the base version for our Public API.

  • You will notice that the yarn version command will also commit the version changes.

// POST /makePayment'/make-payment', (req, res) => {
    const { amount, mode } = req.body

    if (!amount) {
        return res.status(400).json({
            message: 'Amount is required',

    const convertedAmount = convertINRToUSD(amount)
        message: 'Payment Successfull โœ…',
        amount: convertedAmount,
        currency: 'USD',
  • For PATCH the process can be something similar to this. Fix Bug โ†’ Increment patch version โ†’ Update documentation (README in our case) โ†’ Deploy the changes

  • Run

yarn version
  • Type version as: 1.0.1. Press enter to update the version.

    Image description

  • Modify accordingly.

  • Once version is updated you can ping base API to check latest API version. localhost:8080

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